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Coastal Erosion

Destruction of
Coastal Structures

High energy inundation wave events such as typhoons and tsunamis can trigger immediate and massive loss of land area. The result is a narrower beach  and lower sediment height and volume. Structures such as houses and sea walls are then easily reached and penetrated by waves. Continuous pounding of such waves undermine these structures and eventually destroy them.

Coastal erosion is prevalent in many areas in the Philippines. About half of the 625-km coastal segments studied so far has experienced erosion since the 1970s, including many highly developed and populated coastal areas (e.g., Manila Bay, Davao City) as well as tourism sites (e.g., Boracay Island, Bantayan Island). With sea level rising at about 1 cm/y in the Philippines, erosion is expected to worsen in retreating coasts and affect presently accreting or stable coasts. Research under these projects include investigating the causes of erosion along a coastal segment, possible solutions to these causes, as well as the assessment of the local effects of sea level rise.

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